India Economic Strategy Roadshow Adelaide 12th September 2018
Hon David Ridgway, MLC South Australian Minister for Trade Tourism and Investment
HE Harinda Sidhu, Australian High Commissioner to India
Leonie Muldoon, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, South Asia, Austrade
There was a palpable excitement and optimism at the Adelaide India Economic Strategy Roadshow Seminar conducted collaboratively by DFAT, Austrade and Australia India Business Council, South Australia Chapter.
In my capacity as Vice President of AIBC SA, I was thrilled to help arrange this event which brought together Government and Industry representatives, Universities and Exporters to hear Minister Ridgway, HE Harinda Sidhu and Leonie Muldoon break down the details and opportunities for bilateral engagement.
The IES highlights 10 Indian states and 10 industries to focus on where immediate opportunities exist. Customers abound but the challenge is how you engage and the need to develop an understanding of the business culture.
We were encouraged to have lazer focus on where there are skills shortages. The market is ferociously price sensitive and somewhat opaque but there are great opportunities especially in Education, Food and Beverage and in Mining.
We were encouraged to see that the bus may be rickety, but it's moving along the highway - so get on board! See an outline of the IES in the summary below.
The Asian Nation Australia Needs to Embrace
Read Matt Wade's article on India in the Sydney Morning Herald on 15th August 2018
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull released the India Economic Strategy to 2035
On 12th July, 2018 Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull released the much anticipated India Economic Strategy to 2035...
a report prepared for the Australian Government by Mr. Peter N Varghese AO.
Read the report
ICEWaRM hosts Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh delegation in Adelaide South Australia
... Advancement in Irrigation Technologies studies
A team of water professionals from Telegana State and Andhra Pradesh, India arrived in Adelaide, South Australia mid January, 2018 for a 3 week visit with gICEWaRM, focusing studies around Advancement in Irrigation Technologies. The
ICE WaRM, International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management is recognised globally for leadership and innovation in collaborative approaches to capacity development for water management and sustainable economic development.
They provide a gateway to Australian, and international expertise in education, training and research in water resources management, water sensitive cities and access to safe drinking water and sanitation. They are committed to working in partnership with development agencies, governments and the private sector for the progressive realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Rajasthan Fellows in Adelaide with ICEWaRM
ICEWaRM Australia and Australian Water School hosted a delegation of water professionals in a fellowship program in November and December of this year, 2017. Dr.Dinesh Periwal, Mr. Keshava Shrivastava, Mr. Niril Kumar of PHED, (Public Health and Engineering Department) Rajasthan, together with Miss Neelam Golchha and Miss Bhavana Kanwa, Masters students from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT)
The visit was highly successful and further developed the people to people links that the Water Industry in South Australia prioritise.
The Rajasthan fellows are a delightful group of people and I had the privilege of meeting up with them on their first day in Adelaide and orientating them to our beautiful city.
Amongst the many activities arranged by SA Water and ICEWaRM, the fellows were awarded certificates by the Hon Martin Hamilton Smith and had the opportunity to meet the President of the Australia India Business Council, South Australian Chapter, Dr. Adrian Vicary. We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with our new Rajasthani colleagues.
Read more
Consul General Designate to South India, Susan Grace visits Adelaide 1st December, 2017
Ms Susan Grace, Consul General Designate to South India visited Adelaide on 1st December, 2017. Members of the Management Committee of AIBC South Australia together with Innes Patritti CEO of Patritti Wines, Rachel Barrett CEO of the Water Industry Alliance and Dr. Don Owers had a wonderful and informative luncheon together with a vibrant two way discussion on the current economic climate in Southern India and opportunities for South India and South Australian engagement
The theme of the discussion was clearly the importance of continuing to build strong relationships and of two way engagement for mutual benefit.
It was an honour to meet the Consul General Designate and to contribute to the conversation.
Mr. Peter Varghese, former Australian High Commissioner to India visits Adelaide - August 2017
Mr Peter Varghese, former Australia High Commissioner to India and Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently visited Adelaide, South Australia and met with the President and members of Australia India Business Council (SA) on 18th August, 2017.
Mr. Varghese was visiting Adelaide to undertake initial consultations as part of his new role leading up the development of an India Economic Strategy. This Strategy will be an independent report presented to the Australian Government, setting out a plan of action to realise the economic opportunities India will present through to 2035.
I was privileged to participate in Mr. Varghese's consultation with AIBC (SA) and am grateful to the South Australian State Director of DFAT Mr. Dave Gordge for hosting our visit.
India Business Mission
August 2016
I was thrilled to be part of the August 2016 South Australian Government Department of State Development India Business Mission. The delegation just returned after a highly successful week in Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai, building relationships with partners in India. I look forward to participating in long term partnerships between South Australia and India in the future. It was especially wonderful to be present in the State of Rajasthan, meet the beautiful people of our Sister State and enjoy their rich history and culture. What amazing opportunities await South Australians in Rajasthan! Thank you so much to our Indian partners who made South Australians feel so welcome last week and I look forward to returning the welcome!
Read the Department of State Development report
City Palace, Jaipur, Rajasthan State, India